Team work and a unique Asset Management technique, encouraging the cross functional skills of a dedicated multi-disciplinary work force have contributed significantly to the successful operation of the Arab Super Light Crude Oil Producing facilities located at Saudi ARAMCO Central Arabia fields, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. Right from start the thrust is to adapt state of art technologies and enhance efficiency.
The data gathering from remotely located facilities such as wells, processing facilities and transmission to all concerned users on real time basis could accelerate decision making process and overcome the problems related to logistics. The new technology applications such as coriolis metering at each well site, real time data availability for the key personnel thru the communication net work improved the productivity substantially enabling us operate with a lean, flat and efficient asset management team.
The fields and the facilities with Artificial Lift Systems are first of their type operated by Saudi ARAMCO and are located in a remote area. Most of the oil supply wells and all water supply wells are equipped with Electrical Submersible Pumps. The wells produce from un-consolidated sandstone reservoir.
Effective sand control techniques, failure analysis and implementation of corrective steps on surface as well as sub surface facilities reduced the down-hole equipment failures considerably. In practice the operational performance of down-hole and surface facilities are interdependent and an integrated approach to resolve the problems is essentially implemented. A new concept of ESP maintenance contract management with win-win strategy has given added value to the performance of the complex field.
These technology driven initiatives and a dedicated approach by the personnel are instrumental to reach high levels of Excellence at Central Arabia Artificial Lift Fields.
The Central Arabia fields, the first discovery of Saudi ARAMCO, started producing premium grade Arab Super Light Crude Oil from August 1994. During the initial years of operation number of operating problems were encountered with failure rates of Electrical Submersible Pumps as high as 8% per month. Even though the flowing fines thru the well fluid steams are within the anticipated levels of 200 PPM, their impact on the down hole as well as down stream surface facilities caused serious concerns. With the long power lines and the problems caused by the bird population hampered the reliability of power supply, which aggravated the operating problems. With the concerted efforts and positive corrective steps the high failure rates were brought down to around 2% per month. The most important criteria adhered for efficiently operating such a complex field with the artificial lift systems is "constant