Computing power and network bandwidth have increase dramatically over the past decade, yet the design and implementation of complex software remain expensive and error-prone. In particular, the growing heterogeneity of hardware architectures and communication platforms, and the diversity of operating systems, third-party software systems, and in-house developed applications make it difficult to build correct, portable, efficient, and inexpensive E&P applications from scratch. The resulting issues we face everybody can be summarized into the following:
Lack of data, application and process integration.
Lack of ability to scale, evolve and adapt.
Lack of reusability
To address these issues, the department of Petroleum Engineering Application Services (PEAS) has started a project to develop a component-based E&P framework called REUSE (for REUsable Software Environment) that can be used to develop, deploy E&P applications and found the ground for data and application integration. The framework was designed using the Object Oriented methodology. The main goal of the framework was to have business functionality as the core of all of our newly and integrated systems rather than a certain in-house or vendor application. This poser session will describe the architecture, design and implementation of REUSE and share with the audience the advantages and disadvantages of having such an environment. 1. The Petroleum Engineering Application Services Department (PEASD) of SAUDI ARAMCO has Introduction started an initiative to build a Component-Based Development (CBD) environment. REUsable Software Environment (REUSE), as it called, is PEASD direction to mature, extensible, customizable and e-Ready environment that can easily integrate legacy, current and future developed in-house and vendor applications based on sound software engineering principles. Such an environment should provide application developers with the tools to plug, remove and replace any software or technology without affecting the rest of applications. Integrating and reusing business functionality is the main drive for building such environment, not certain in-house or vendor application needs.
This paper will give an overview of the traditional software environments and their shortcomings.
Then it will introduce component-based software environments as the new paradigm in software development. Finally, there will be a description of REUSE (PEASD component-based environment), explaining the architecture and discussing the advantages of this environment.
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2.1. Background Traditional Software Software applications take a lot of time and money to be developed, and is brittle when used in Environments situations for which it was not explicitly designed. Various software design methodologies address this problem: ·