
Algeria is one of the largest exporters of LNG and natural gas in the world. In a background marked by an international gas market which experiences more and more competition, the reliability of the liquefaction plants becomes a crucial business. The LNG plants are characterized by their relatively low number (20 units in the world, 4 of which are in Algeria), the investment and operating costs which are very high. The high level of operation costs is mainly due to the maintenance costs and especially to the fuel consumption, which for a complete LNG chain as a scope of the Algerian ones, reaches 15% at normal operating up to 30% at altered functioning. Such high figures are the direct sequel of reliability lack of the production facilities and annex processes of the global chain. In our work, by using a systemic approach technique the global chain is assimilated to a complex system composed of subsystems (pipeline, compressor stations, underground storage, LNG plants, LNG storage), each and every subsystem is itself defined as a set of elements interacting with each other. We present the mathematical models of reliability evolved for each subsystem. A dynamic link of subsystem models allows therefore a description and a complete analysis of the global chain reliability and thus, a sensitive decrease of operation costs and better equipment availability. An application concerning LNG Algerian chain GL1K Hassi R'mel - Skikda reliability will be furnished.


Algeria is one of the largest exporters of natural gas and LNG in the world. It occupies the third rank after Russia and Canada. The increase of natural gas consumptions and the remoteness of fields with regard to the potential markets has favored the development of the LNG industry. So the worldwide demand of LNG recorded during the last five years a sustained growth of the order of 6% per year.

The natural gas liquefaction plants are characterized by:

  • their relatively low number (20 units in the world, 4 of which are in Algeria);

  • very important unit production capacities quantified in billion of m3;

  • very high investment and operating costs.

The high operating costs of this type of facilities are mainly due to the fuel consumption. The fuel consumption increases appreciably in disrupted functioning. It is even able nearly to double in given cases. By disrupted functioning there is place to understand here the untimely and volunteer shutdowns owed to failures of equipments situated all along the chain. These disruptions are the direct consequence of: BLOCK 3 - - FORUM 15 67


  • the reliability

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