
The end of the 20th century has brought Romania the long-awaited "balance of natural gases deliveries" in the national transport system, through the inauguration of the "Commercial measuring and regulating station for natural gases" in the North-West of the country (Mediesu Aurit). Considered as one of thelargest and most modern such stations in Europem, it made the connection between the national gas transportation system and the Ukrainian one, thus linking Romania to Europe's natural gases network.

In the same period, in the Romanian natural gases industry major events took place:

  • the adoption by the EU of the guideline EC/98 which defines the common rules for the unfolding of natural gases transport, storage and distribution activities, in the light of market liberalisation and of the introductionction of competition;

  • the restructuring of the former Autonomous Society for Natural Gases of Romania, by moving from a vertical organisation to a structure in which fundamental activities are carried out by companies with separate juridical personality.

Which was Romania's way for this? Which were the changes taking place in natural gases exploitation activities? Which were the influence factors in defining the strategy for reorganising the exploitation of natural gases? These are questions to which this paper tries to answer. It seeks to present the natural gases exploitation in Romania in view of the major national objective: the integration in the European Union.


The social-political changes which took place in 1989 in Central and Eastern Europe have led to a new strategic, essentially economic and social development perspective of the countries in this area, through their integration in the European Union. The adoption of the EU (EC) Guidelines regarding the gas transit, the gas prices for industrial consumers, common regulations for the natural gases market, the complete liberalisation until 2009, impose Romania a restructuring of the natural gas exploitation activities. The defining of the subsystems: the national transport system (NTS), the local transport system (LTS) and of those for local distribution, allows the settling of a "Network code" with the specific commands needed for Romania's access in the EU system. It is necessary that Romania adopts development tactics and strategies for each activity, correlated with national interests and the obligations towards the Romanian state and those deriving from international agreements and regulations.


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