
Algeria is an important gas supplier particularly to Europe. This paper presents the Algerian gas transmission pipelines perspective and provides the current gas supply and demand situation.

As domestic-gas demand continues to grow, and to increase exports, this paper discusses the requirements for futur major pipelines development in the next years, and thus contribute to meet the increasing demand, particularly in the European and Mediterranean market.

New export capacities will be determined depending on the routes and industrial or commercial and gas partnerships strategies. Strategic decisions for new supply of gas and storage infrastructures must be made years in advance because the security of supply is dependent on deliverability, available pipeline, and storage capacity. The paper illustrates Algeria's effort to reduce costs through the optimization of the global system.

The conception and extension of a complex gas transportation network requires very important investment in addition to operating costs essentially due to maintenance costs. However to be efficient, the optimal extension of such a system must previously go through a technical diagnosis of existing works.

The line transportation capacities fluctuate randomly and evolve according time in the sense of reduced performances mainly due to breakdowns, and obsolescence of compression equipments as well as the corrosion and the evolution of the internal roughness of the pipe.

The approach we have in the paper associates local models of existing works reliability to a non-linear programming model with mixed variables solved by a generalised reduced gradient (GRG) type algorithm associated to a branch-and-bound type procedure.


Natural gas is the fuel of the 21st century. Algeria, a gas country, a traditional player in gas industry, an important gas supplier, particularly to Europe, has developed close cooperation relationship with major gas countries operating in the market. The objective is to increase exports of Algerian gas and, thus, contribute to meet the increasing demand, particularly in the European market.

Algeria believes in gas, in its qualities as a clean ressource, in its future, and also in its profitability.

The countries that will win in this environment are those that can innovate, those that can change, and those that can communicate. Pipelines and LNG tankers are rapidly linking markets previously isolated by geography, making gas a more global commodity. Just a few decades ago natural gas was BLOCK 3 - - FORUM 15 119


little more than a waste product of the oil industry. T

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