Some problems concerning gas and gas-condensate conditioning systems on Urengoy oil-gas-condensate field are discussed. Absorption method is used for drying the Cenomanian gas. At final compressor stage of field development there are some problems for providing dehydration conditioninig. Some solutions are proposed for improving the gas conditioning process, including two stage absorption technology at two temperature levels, recycling dried gas by using ejector system, etc. The problem of hydrate formation and prevention at the final stages of field development is of particular attention also. The main method of conditioning gas of deep horizons at Urengoy field is low temperature separation at a temperature level of –30°C. Metanol is used for hydrate control both at gas gathering systems and at separation units.
Since 1986 a recycling methanol technology is employed which is decreasing the amount of the inhibitor.
Recently, at final stage of field development the compressor station is included in the head of technological scheme. In this connection new modifications of recycling methanol are proposed in which special steam-stripping column is used. The development of the Achimov pools require a solution of some difficult problems related to paraffin and/or paraffin-hydrate deposition in holes, field product and gathering pipelines, and low temperature separators of gas plants.
In Russia gas is being mainly produced in Western Siberia (86%) which is known with its harsh climate and permafrost (Fig. 1). Only three large fields - Medvezhje, Urengoy and Yamburg fields yielding around 72% of the total gas production in Russia. The Zapolyarnoe field that will give 100 Bcm per year after its putting into full service will increase the share of Western Siberia in gas production. Natural gas of these fields secures energy supplies both to central Russia and Western Europe. It is clear that the energy supply to Europe depends on the reliability and efficiency of these fields.
The Urengoy oil-gas-condensate field is the largest in Western Siberia, therefore its reliable and efficient operation is very important both for Russia and Europe. A current annual gas production of the Urengoy field is over 200 billion cu m produced from Senoman deposit and about 20 billion cu m produced from Valanginian deposit, besides of the Achimov deposit is only under pilotcommercial development. Cenomanian gas is pure methane; therefore, field conditioning of this gas includes its dehydration to the conditions required by the gas industry's norms. Deep gas condensate deposits (valanzhinian and achimov) are under development as well. The main method of conditioning gas of these