
Shell recognises the importance of accountability to stakeholders not just for financial performance but also for environmental and social impacts of the Group. There is a need and desire to be open through engagement and more transparent communication. An important part of building confidence is the publication of reliable, verified information that gives a fair picture of our overall performance. Verification also helps improve the rigour of internal management systems and performance.

The presentation outlines Shell's approach to the verification of sustainable development reporting in the light of society's changing expectations. It explores the reasons for verification, for whom and how. The verification challenge of extending the financial approach to environmental and social/ethical aspects of performance is discussed. The development of a system of symbols to add clarity and value to the verification process is outlined. The case is made for moving from confirming the ‘accuracy ’ of data to adding further ‘meaning’ for stakeholders, and the need to complement traditional approaches of verification with new methods of assurance. The latter include testimonials and expert panels, benchmarking and stakeholder perceptions of performance.

Verification is seen as an import part of a broad programme of stakeholder dialogue and communications. Through this combination of actions we aim to earn the trust and respect of all parties who have a legitimate interest in our activities.

Verification of - Third-party verification of environment and social aspects of reporting is a relatively new practice Sustainable Development Reports and is done to add credibility to the publications. Shell has been a leading proponent of verification and has gained valuable insight and experience since it started working with KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers in 1996.

Our verification goal is to ensure that people trust what we say to be correct. This paper outlines:

  • Why we verify the Shell Report

  • Who we are doing it for

  • What the best methods are

  • Our plans for the future.

Why we verify We recognise the importance of accountability to stakeholders and are learning to be more open, through greater engagement with our stakeholders. We characterise this need in what we see as the move from the Trust-Me to the Show-Me World, as shown on this diagram.

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Verifying SD Reports The move to the "Show Me" world High "Trust me" Trend "Tell me" Trust "Show me" Low Low Transparency High As trust diminishes, the demand for transparency in the form of assurance mechanisms increases Shell International Sustainable Development Group The implication here is that people are less willing than they were in the past to take the assurances of authorities such as government, scientists and companies on trust. There

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