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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 19th World Petroleum Congress, June 29–July 3, 2008
Paper Number: WPC-19-1258
... consuming, low temperature and pressure processes for producing ultra low sulphur fuels. Non-conventional approaches for ultra low sulphur fuels (ULSF) belong either to oxidative or to selective adsorption routes. In oxidative routes, biodesulfurization (BOS) involving specialized bacteria and oxidation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 18th World Petroleum Congress, September 25–29, 2005
Paper Number: WPC-18-0927
... Abstract: The determination of Sulphur in fuels (diesel and petrol) by means of EDXRF is a standard method of modern analysis. New environmental regulations require a constant improvement of the detection sensitivity. The analytical instrument the SPECTRO XEPOS has a detection limit...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 17th World Petroleum Congress, September 1–5, 2002
Paper Number: WPC-32224
... to drastically change, and the value of pygas is expected to reduce due to future aromatics and sulphur specifications of motor gasoline. With cracker feedstocks coming from the refinery and the cracker co-products returning, the future additional constraints will require an evermore sophisticated...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 17th World Petroleum Congress, September 1–5, 2002
Paper Number: WPC-32225
... tax incentives to use alternative cleaner fuels. Pollutants of concern include nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur dioxide (SO 2), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter (PM) and the formation of pollutants in the atmosphere by photochemical...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30022
... significantly. One of the main targets is a further reduction of the ozone precursors-volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides, the air toxics and the greenhouse gases to reduce the Greenhouse effect. Worldwide trends as regards the fuels are: Unleaded gasoline, a reduction of sulphur, benzene...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30142
... into technically an oil shale complex reservoir shale oil Queensland shale new fuel Stuart stuart stage 1 Suncor joint venture spp cpm Australia Upstream Oil & Gas Oil Shale Deposit operation stuart joint venture deposit ATP sulphur oil shale resource shale resource SHALE OIL...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30246
... Abstract. New diesel specifications, particularly those expected beyond 2005, will introduce limitations on a number of diesel properties, other than sulphur, like poly-aromatics or total aromatics content, cetane number/cetane index, back-end distillation temperatures and density. Possible...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30302
... market Technology. Urea 0.6 Tcf 2. GAS COMMERCIALISATION - THE GTL OPTION. Fig.1.: Remote Gas Utilisation Options Gas commercialisation technologies range GtL products are highly paraffinic, contain from power through chemicals to LNG. Each virtually zero aromatics, zero sulphur and are technology can...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 16th World Petroleum Congress, June 11–15, 2000
Paper Number: WPC-30241
...TRADITIONAL AND NEW SULPHUR RECOVERY PROCESSES 234 TRADITIONAL AND NEW SULPHUR RECOVERY PROCESSES USED IN THE GAS PROCESSING AND REFINING INDUSTRIES Paul E. d Haêne, DANA Technical Services Ltd. Abstract. This paper begins by reviewing the Claus/ modified-Claus processes which have been...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th World Petroleum Congress, October 12–17, 1997
Paper Number: WPC-28269
... the environmental impact of vehicles and associated oil products. Against such a background the paper reviews the environmentally-driven changes that have taken place over the years to a wide variety of oil products. These improvements include the removal of lead from gasoline, the development of low sulphur...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th World Petroleum Congress, October 12–17, 1997
Paper Number: WPC-29242
... Abstract. Naphthas obtained from coking and thermal cracking processes contain substantial amounts of unsaturated hydrocarbons, oxygen, sulphur and nitrogen compounds and are characterised by low RON octane. The paper presents an original method (CICLOROM) for upgrading the coking naphthas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th World Petroleum Congress, October 12–17, 1997
Paper Number: WPC-29295
... industry will be forced to become more flexible and technologically innovative. World Refining has started an important restructuring phase, which will continue in the future, being conditioned by the following main issues : increasing production of heavy crudes, with a higher sulphur, nitrogen...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 15th World Petroleum Congress, October 12–17, 1997
Paper Number: WPC-29305
... prevent the degradation of the environment. In the Gas Sweetening Process (Hydrogen Sulphide Removal) at ONGC Hazira, the separated Hydrogen Sulphide is oxidised to Sulphur by the Locat process of ARI Technologies Inc. USA. Due to continuous production of bi-carbonate, thiosulphate and Sulphate...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 14th World Petroleum Congress, May 29–June 1, 1994
Paper Number: WPC-26203
... Abstract. The deep reduction of sulphur and aromatics contents of middle distillates are required to qualify them as environmentally friendly. We have developed very flexible hydrotreating process schemes and new catalysts able to produce clean middle distillates and to satisfy the most...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 14th World Petroleum Congress, May 29–June 1, 1994
Paper Number: WPC-26204
... standards and also increasing proportions of unleaded gasoline. The investment cost of these projects was approximately U.S.$300 million. The quality requirements for motor gasolines in some respects such as sulphur and benzene content exceeds West European norms. Hungary is taking steps to ensure...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 13th World Petroleum Congress, October 20–25, 1991
Paper Number: WPC-24215
... engines is affected by fuel quality and engine design. This paper deals with the effects on exhaust emissions of fuels having reduced end boiling point and/or reduced sulphur and aromatics content with respect to typical present day fuels. Both light duty (direct and indirect injection) and heavy duty...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 13th World Petroleum Congress, October 20–25, 1991
Paper Number: WPC-24261
... of natural gas. This paper reviews the latest advances in natural gas processing and indicates trends for the 1990s. Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) recovery, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), Dehydration, Treating, Sulphur recovery and the application of computer-based systems for process control and optimization...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 12th World Petroleum Congress, April 26–May 1, 1987
Paper Number: WPC-22104
... compositions and biological marker compounds that might be expected. In clastic marine environments Type II kerogens yield paraffinic-naphthenic oils, but as the clastic content diminishes, the sulphur content of the kerogen increases, the threshold of oil generation shifts to lower maturation levels...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 12th World Petroleum Congress, April 26–May 1, 1987
Paper Number: WPC-22309
... a major role in deter- mining each feedstock's processibility. Consequently, the effect of these contaminants on refining operations and process unit selection must be considered. Sulphur. For petroleum feedstocks, sulphur content is usually a good, general indicator of the required processing...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the 12th World Petroleum Congress, April 26–May 1, 1987
Paper Number: WPC-22312
... is already underway in Canada, and other countries are also seeing incentives for the use of unconventional heavy feeds. These materials are typically of high density, high viscosity and contain relatively high concentrations of contaminants, such as sulphur, nitrogen and metals. The viscosity factor...

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