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Proceedings Papers
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Day 4 Wed, March 09, 2022
Anodic and Cathodic Protection
Potential Measurements, How to Effectively Monitor the 'Health' of your Cathodic Protection System
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Corrosion and Corrosion Protection of Water Wells
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Research on Well Casings Cathodic Protection Based on Field
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Storage Well Cathodic Protection Comparative Assessment
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Well Casing Cathodic Performance Review - Case Study
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
A Right Way to Calculate CP Potential Attenuation
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
FEM Simulation Analysis of the Pipe-Casing Under Cathodic Protection
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Identify and Predict Behavior of Rectifier and Groundbed State Change
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
The Virtual Corrosion Engineer Project for Soil Side Corrosion Prediction and Cathodic Protection Status Monitoring
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Improving Integrity Management Decision Making Using Automated Calibration of Model Predictions From Cathodic-Protection (CP) Survey Data
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
A Study of the Depolarisation Phenoma in Soils and Remanence of Corrosion Protection after CP Interruption
Clémence Rogier; Tiphaine Lutzler; Ahmed Fakhry; Elisabeth Fleury; David Sellam; Laurent Henry; Yves Zannier; François Castillon
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Bridge and Infrastructure Coatings & Corrosion
Asbestos Coatings and Components on Concrete Bridges, Compliance and Abatement
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Bridge Coating Maintenance Strategies
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Burlington Skyway Electrochemical Chloride Extraction – 30 Years Later
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Evaluation of Corrosion Prevention and Control Programs for Reinforced Concrete Bridges in Marine Environments
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Prediction of Atmospheric Corrosion of Carbon Steel Bridge Components in a Changing Climate
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Development of Chemical Deficiencies in Post-Tension Grout Materials
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
The NEPCOAT Story-Bridge Paint Selection in the Northeast
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Corrosion Management
Managing Integrity and Corrosion Through Real-Time Prediction Modeling Approach – "Software Sensor" Concept
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Quantitative Assessment of Failure Probability of Underground Natural Gas Storage Wells Using an Integrated Bow-Tie Bayesian Network Approach
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Atmospheric Corrosion Detection and Management with AI
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Using Digital Twin and AI to Predict Atmospheric Corrosion - A Smart Tool for Decision Makers
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Paradigm Shift of Corrosion Management Using IOW Programs
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Environmental Modification and Atmospheric Corrosion: Clear Water Rinsing, Covering, and Seawater Spray
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Corrosion Condition Assessment Program for Maritime Asset Management
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Chemical & Enhanced Preservation Methodologies Endeavors to Maintain the Integrity of Joint Operation (JO) Surface Facilities
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Corrosion of Gathering Pipelines in Oil and Gas Field and Its Mitigation Measures in China
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Biocide Storage Tank Internal Corrosion and A Mitigation Strategy – A Case Study
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Corrosion Management Learnings for Storage Tanks
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Corrosion Risk Assessment of Aging Plant in the Down Stream Petroleum Sector
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Environmental Assisted Cracking
Evaluation of Hydrogen Embrittlement of Nickel-Based Alloys in Cesium Formate with H2S/CO2
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Hydrogen Embrittlement Failure of Nickel Alloy UNS N07716-140 Tubing Retrievable Safety Valve Component Installed in a Sour Production Gas Well
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Effect of Soil Environment on Hydrogen Embrittlement Behavior of X60 Steel
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Failure Analysis of a Pulsation Dampener Using Statistical Fractography
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
A Theoretical Investigation on the Role of Microstructural Particularities on the Hydrogen Embrittlement of Nickel Alloys
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Influence of Cold Deformation on Hydrogen Embrittlement by Determining the Critical Hydrogen Concentration in High Strength Steel for Wire Applications
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Hydrogen Charging of Armco Iron and L80 Steel in Various Electrolytes
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Implication of Fractographic Analysis of the Crack in an Above Ground Pipeline – Potential Role of Hydrogen
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
SCC of Tensile Wires at High CO2 Partial Pressure in Simulated Annulus Environments of Flexible Pipes
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Cracked High Pressure Steam Superheater Alloy 800 Piping of A Thermal Oxidizer from a Gas Plant SRU
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Dependence of Time to Fracture due to Hydrogen Embrittlement on Stress, Hydrogen Content, and Temperature in Rebar for Prestressed Concrete
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
From Pits to Cracks: A Review of 45-Years of Published Research on Surface Trenches in Low Alloy Steels Exposed to H2S-Containing Environments
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Failure Analysis of 4-Inch Welded Fittings in Treated LPG Service
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Effect of Dynamic Humidity on Environmental Cracking of an Aerospace Aluminum Alloy
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
The Influence of Strain Rate and Specimen Size on Assessment of SSC Resistance by Novel NTSSRT Method
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Inhibitors - Vapor Transported (VCI) and Surface Coated Rust Preventatives (RP)
Evaluation of Relative Humidity Dependence for Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor Desorption
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Investigating Specimen Preparation and Cleaning Variables Influencing the NACE TM0208-2018 Jar Test Performance
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Study of Inhibition Efficiency of Model Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors in the Presence of n-Heptane
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Corrosion Inhibition of Automotive Aluminum Alloys in Water-Ethylene Glycol Solutions
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Determining Migration of Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors Using Corrosion Potential Data
Pavan K. Shukla; Roderick E. Fuentes; Bruce J. Wiersma; Crystal Girardot; Jason Page; Shawn Campbell
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Case Studies on Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor Monitoring Using Electrical Resistance Probes for Oil and Gas Assets
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
Split Chamber Zero Resistance Ammetry Technique (SC-ZRA) for Detecting and Quantifying Microbially Influenced Corrosion in Oil and Gas Systems
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Mitigation of Carbon Steel Biocorrosion Using a Green Biocide Enhanced by a Biofilm Dispersing Peptide in a Flow Loop with an Oilfield Biofilm Consortium
Di Wang; Tuba Unsal; Sith Kumseranee; Suchada Punpruk; Mazen A. Saleh; Mohammed D. Alotaibi; Tingyue Gu
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Why are Glutaraldehyde/Quaternary Ammonium Biocides So Common in Hydraulic Fracturing and are they Being used Appropriately?
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Recent Experiences With Austenitic and Duplex Stainless Steels
Influence of Thermomechanical Processing on Mechanical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Super Duplex Stainless Steel UNS S32750
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
A Recent Case of Intermetallic Precipitations in Super Duplex Stainless Steel
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Failure Cases of Super Duplex Stainless Steel Pump Components
Janardhan Rao Saithala; Amjad Kharusi; Mohammed Ghafri; Ossama Mohammed; Abdul Majeed; Manish Kulkarni; Talal Nabhani
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Failure Analyses on a Super Duplex Stainless Steel Tube Material Before and After Slow Strain Rate Testing in Sour Conditions – Part 1: SCC Susceptibility
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Failure Analyses on a Super Duplex Stainless Steel Tube Material Before and After Slow Strain Rate Testing In Sour Conditions – Part 2: A Case Study on Local Corrosion
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
After 30 Years of Duplex Stainless Steel Experience in Oil & Gas - Do We Still Face Challenges?
Janardhan Rao Saithala; Amjad Kharusi; Mohammed Ghafri; Talal Nabhani; Manish Kulkarni; Nasser Behlani
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Uns S32202 Welds: Bulk Microstructure Vs Surface Behavior
Veronica Scheiber; Pauline Huguenin; Jérôme Bridel; Florent Krajcarz; Veronica Scheiber; Vincent Vignal
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Corrosion Properties of UNS S83071, Super Duplex Stainless Steel with High Acid Corrosion Resistance
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
From 6Mo to Ni-Base – Characterizing the Corrosion Performance of Two Important Material Groups
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Crevice Corrosion of High-Grade Stainless Steels in Seawater: A Comparison Between Temperate and Tropical Locations
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Cold Work Qualification of UNS N08935 for Use in Chloride and Sour environment
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Characterization and Further Development of Austenitic Stainless Steel UNS S20910 Towards New Industrial Applications
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Sweet and Sour Corrosion in Oil and Gas
Corrosion Mechanisms of Mild Steel in the Presence of Formic Acid and Acetic Acid
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Role of Acetic Acid on the Kinetics and Mechanism of Carbon Steel Dissolution Under CO2 Top of Line Corrosion
Mariana Costa Folena; José Antônio da Cunha Ponciano Gomes; Frederick Pessu; Anne Neville; Richard Barker
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
In-Situ Synthesis of Corrosion Product-Polymer Composites on Carbon Steel for Enhanced Erosion-Corrosion Protection in CO2 Corrosion Environments
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Corrosion in Confined Environments - The Importance of High Supersaturation of Dissolved Corrosion Products
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
The Influence of Oxygen on Protective Iron Carbonate Scales Formed on Carbon Steel in CO2 Environments at Near-Neutral pH
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Assessment of Hybrid Amino Acid Iron Carbonate Corrosion Layer Protective Properties in a CO2-containing Aqueous Environment
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Mechanistic Modeling of the Impedance Response of Cathodic Reduction of Hydrogen Ion in Strong Acidic Environments
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Corrosion Risk Prediction Based on Offshore Pipeline Service Database and Machine Learning Algorithms
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Effect of Salt Concentration on Uniform Hydrogen Sulfide Corrosion Rate of Pipeline Steel
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Guidance for Thermal Stability of Common Oilfield Chemicals
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Revisiting the Anodic Dissolution of Pure Iron in Strong Acids
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Unusual Corrosion of Well Tubulars and Casings in Sour Gas Lift Well Annuli – Causes and Mitigations
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Corrosion in Supercritical Systems
Corrosion Resistance of Super Duplex Stainless Steel for CCS Usage under Supercritical CO2 Conditions with Impurity Gas
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Effect of Cr on Corrosion Performance of Steels in Supercritical CO2 Environments
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Effect of H2S on the Performance of Welded 13% Cr Steel in Supercritical CO2
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Effect of Impurity on the High-temperature Corrosion Performance of Alloys in Supercritical CO2
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Electrochemical and Morphological Investigation of Corrosion Behavior of C1018 in a Subcritical and Supercritical CO2 Environment with Presence of H2S
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Corrosion Behavior of Transmission Pipeline Steels in Dense-Phase Carbon Dioxide
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Enabling Carbon Steel with a Special Dense CO2 Corrosion Inhibitor – A Field Study
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Guidance for Materials Selection and Corrosion Control in CO2 Transport and Injection for Carbon Capture and Storage
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Investigating the Effect of H2S and Corrosion Inhibitor on the Corrosion of Mild Steel under High Pressure CO2 Conditions
Yoon-Seok Choi; Fernando Farelas; Luciano Paolinelli; Ahmad Zaki B Abas; Azmi Mohammed Nor; Muhammad Firdaus Suhor
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Direct Assessment
Classification of Active and Passive Surface Conditions Based on Different Relaxation Response for External Corrosion Coated Pipelines
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Combination of High pH SCC and Near-Neutral pH SCC Models Using Bayesian Networks
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Conducting Precast Concrete Cylinder Pipe Condition Assessment by Matching Corrosion Damage Mechanisms to Diagnostic Methods
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Guidelines for the Collection of Reliable and Practicable ECDA Indirect Inspection Data
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Coating Inspection
Correlating Qualitative Surface Profile Assessment Methods to Quantitative Methodology on Prepared Concrete
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Pipeline Coatings, Key Points Specifically for Transmission Pipeline Coating
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Why Hire an Independent, Third-Party Inspector on High Performance Coatings Projects?
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Why Voltage Matters for High Voltage Holiday Testing on Steel
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.
Intro to Digitalization: Why it Matters to [To AMPP Members] and How to Realize the Benefits
Paper presented at the AMPP Annual Conference + Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 2022.