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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20059
... ABSTRACT An underground Reinforced Thermosetting Resin (RTR) piping system used in firewater facilities experienced frequent ruptures from inside-out after 7 years of service at several locations. This work encompasses a material assessment study to potentially identify the root cause...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20061
... ABSTRACT To maintain production levels, oil fields in the Middle East increasingly require water injection to maintain pressure in hydrocarbon reservoirs. The injected water increases the water cut of the produced fluids, resulting in a very corrosive mixture for metallic piping. Therefore...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20002
... composite material such as Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) tubulars. These non-metallic solutions guarantees enhanced durability, cost-effectiveness, and resistance to the corrosive environment. upstream oil & gas casing design sustainable development pipe requirement rtr standard test method...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-19929
... ABSTRACT When building a new pipeline, there is a need to work close to existing piping systems that are live and carrying flammable hydrocarbon fluids. Some of those pipes are steel and some are nonmetallic composite pipes. Although all live pipes are vulnerable and can be damaged during...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-19896
... ABSTRACT Whilst corroding subsea pipes remains a significant concern, detailed corrosion mapping of these pipes has required computer imaging capability which, until now, subsea permanent monitoring systems have been unable to handle, due to the computing capability and energy required...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20045
... ABSTRACT Embodied carbon is an important consideration when designing and specifying projects in the oil and gas industry. Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) structural products and Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) pipes are known for their light weight and corrosion resistant properties...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20105
... ABSTRACT A test procedure was developed for screening Electric Resistance Welded (ERW) / High Frequency Welded (HFW) pipe weld seam against the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement, mainly after exposure to wet sour environment. This test procedure was evaluated and proven effective...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20124
... or deter crack growth in axially oriented cracks or crack-like features. To further build onto this successful testing, CSNRI, in conjunction with Williams Pipelines and ADV Integrity, has received pipe spools with SCC that were removed from service for testing purposes. These samples are repaired...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20096
... ABSTRACT High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe is one type of nonmetallic piping material used for a wide range of applications and services, such as fire water, oil and gas. HDPE pipes provide many advantages, including corrosion resistance, lightweight, flexible, and cost effective...

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