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Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-19919
... selection selection operation enhanced recovery concentration glut geologist asia government sustainability thp requirement reservoir multiplier dbnpa mecc2023-19919 biocide selection scorecard water management bacteria protection efficacy formulation Paper No. MECC2023-19919 Biocide...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20002
... composite material such as Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) tubulars. These non-metallic solutions guarantees enhanced durability, cost-effectiveness, and resistance to the corrosive environment. upstream oil & gas casing design sustainable development pipe requirement rtr standard test method...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-19915
... and to limit the CP current requirement. The protective coating acts as the primary or first line of defense against corrosion; however no coating system is perfect and will subject to degradation with time, in addition to some voids/holidays during application, transport, and operations. Cathodic protection...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-19890
... interaction on neighboring structures. The current density required to maintain the protection potential is very dependent on local conditions. Increased availability of oxygen at the surface of the metal will directly increase current density. Thus, current densities to structures in seawater are likely...
Proceedings Papers
Talal Al-Zahrani, Abdullatif Al-Abdulhadi, Haitham Al-Jahani, Nayef Al-Anazi, Balasubramani Bakthavatchalu, Abdulrahman Al-Huwaiji
Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20036
... current densities has been conducted. The anode's ability to perform at a higher current density than the application's design requirements was measured, and anodes' performance ranked based on time-to-failure using the EALT. The requested design criteria for the ribbon anodes is current output of 42 mA/m...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-19979
... of iron to the more stable Fe3+ form. The above mechanism of corrosion protection requires variable dosage, depending on surface chloride, buildup time, concrete permeability, and concrete cover depth. According to ACI 212.3R[2], the exact dosage that ranges from 10-30 liters per meter cube of concrete...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-19869
... flowline corrosion riser corrosion standard committee production chemistry pipeline corrosion coating manufacturer well integrity saudi aramco materials and corrosion coating h2s management subsurface corrosion saudi arabia government abrasive ampp requirement engineering service excellence...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20257
... to zinc silicates are the less demanding curing conditions (epoxies will cure faster and they do not require moisture to cure), they are easier to overcoat (the porosity of silicates may cause popping), they are less demanding to substrate preparation prior to application and they have lower VOC content...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20243
... ABSTRACT Corrosion under insulation (CUI), is still a critical threat to Oil & Gas and the process industries and requires coatings solutions which will not only look at the protection of steel under traditional insulation systems such as mineral wool and calcium silicate but also give...
Proceedings Papers
The Path Towards More Consistent Evaluation of Corrosion Inhibitors Used in the Oil and Gas Industry
Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20250
..., and selection of materials, coatings and application of CP are quantitative and are typically followed rigorously (Table 1). Standards on these quantitative criteria are established, and in many cases have been adopted by regulatory authorities. However, such stringent requirements are not in place...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20115
... in new fields still represents a challenge due to the higher percentage of defects in final manufactured composite parts. This requires a closer look of the mechanical properties of the composite materials considered to ensure safety requirements and overall structural integrity is achieved. A variety...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20105
... and standards, such as API-5L and DNVGL-ST-F101 mandate material qualification for SSC and HIC as per NACE MR0175/ISO-15156 and NACE TM0284, respectively [5, 6 & 7]. Unfortunately, both these material and testing requirements do not address the susceptibility to HE in the HFW pipe seam. Some of these crack...
Proceedings Papers
Paper presented at the AMPP Middle East Corrosion Conference and Exhibition, November 13–16, 2023
Paper Number: AMPP-MECC-2023-20109
... management geology h2s management production chemistry metals & mining oilfield chemistry steel mining propagation specimen autoclave base metal corrosion inhibition pipeline application table 2 tmcp steel hardness testing geologist asia government strain requirement saudi arabia...