The growing urgency to mitigate global warming has accelerated the development of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) technologies, including promising field CO2 injection techniques. In the H3 block of China, a large-scale CO2 injection project was implemented for CCUS-EOR. This study focuses on creating a CO2 wellbore flow and heat transfer calculation model for on-site construction guidance. The model utilized the Span-Wagner equation for CO2's unique physical properties and integrated fundamental principles like mass conservation, momentum theorem and energy conservation. Using the finite difference and iterative solving methods, a prediction model for transient temperature and pressure in the CO2 injection wellbore was developed. Verification against on-site measurements showed less than 3% error in pressure and a 5% error in temperature. It was observed that increasing the injection rates led to variations in wellbore pressure and temperature due to the increased frictional pressure drop and enhanced heat transfer between the fluid and the wellbore. Since the physical properties of the fluid and its flow and heat transfer processes within the wellbore influence each other, adopting a temperature-pressure coupled calculation model can effectively improve computational accuracy.
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International Geomechanics Symposium
October 30–November 2, 2023
Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia
Modelling and Verification of Transient Flow and Heat Transfer for CO2 Injection Wells — Application to CCUS Project at H3 Block, China
Fengxiang Mao;
Fengxiang Mao
China University of Petroleum, Beijing
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Haizhu Wang
Haizhu Wang
China University of Petroleum, Beijing
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Paper presented at the International Geomechanics Symposium, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia, October 2023.
Paper Number:
October 30 2023
Mao, Fengxiang, Lyu, Wei, Wang, Bin, and Haizhu Wang. "Modelling and Verification of Transient Flow and Heat Transfer for CO2 Injection Wells — Application to CCUS Project at H3 Block, China." Paper presented at the International Geomechanics Symposium, Al Khobar, Saudi Arabia, October 2023. doi:
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