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Proceedings Papers
SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference
November 2–3, 1995
College Station, Texas, USA
Day 2 Fri, November 03, 1995
Ocean Engineering
Model Tests of Extreme Wave Loading on a Shallow Water Caisson
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
A New Technique for Investigation of Non-Linear Wave and Force
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Behavior of Tendon Models in Random Seas
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
A Probabilistic View of Wave Interaction with Spar Platforms
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Use of Uncertainty Analysis for Reduction of Experimental Errors in Propeller Open Water Tests
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
The Concept of a Traveling Wave Propulsor for High Efficiency and Low Wake Signature
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
The Use of Numerical Optimization in Advanced Blade Section Design
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Stern Flaps for Enhanced Powering Performance
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
U. S. Navy Ship-Model Powering Correlation 1982 to 1995
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
High Speed Vehicles
Some Observations on Various Testing Techniques for Calm Water Planing Boat Resistance
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Test Results of a Planing Hull Series
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Asymmetrical SWATH Lift and Drag Measurements
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Resistance and Flow
Resistance Characteristics of Six Inshore Fishing Vessels in the Preplanning Regime
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Detailed Bow-Flow Data and CFD of a Series 60 CB= .6 Ship Model for Froude Number 0.316
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Validation of Coupled Inviscid/Viscous Flow Analysis for the Ducted Propulsion of an Axisymmetric Body
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Results of Ferguson Model-Ship Extrapolation for Hard Chine Forms
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
A Model Experiment Technique for Predicting the Capsizing of Damaged RO-RO Ferries
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Measurement of Pressure, Added Mass and Damping Coefficients for a Destroyer Model using the Marine Dynamic Test Facility
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Pitch and Heave and Heave Motion Identification Using Neural Network Techniques
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Nonlinear Roll Damping of Nova Scotia Inshore Fishing Boats
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Steering and Maneuvering
U. S. Coast Guard Modular Model Maneuvering Tests
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Parametric Identification of Hydrodynamic Characteristics From Ship Maneuvering Trials Using Neural Networks
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi:
Outdoor Testing of Large Models and Associated Developments for Radio-Controlled Maneuvering Experiments
Paper presented at the SNAME 24th American Towing Tank Conference, College Station, Texas, USA, November 1995. doi: