Discussers’ reports and floor discussions, including the replies by the committees, are included in this Volume 3 discussion paper.
Committee Mandate
Concern for the structural longevity of ship, offshore and other marine structures. This shall include diagnosis and prognosis of structural health, prevention of structural failures such as corrosion and fatigue, and structural rehabilitation. The focus shall be on methodologies translating monitoring data into operational and life-cycle management advice. The research and development in passive, latent and active systems including their sensors and actuators shall be addressed.
corrosion management,
h2s management,
riser corrosion,
artificial intelligence,
floating production systems,
subsurface corrosion,
materials and corrosion,
issc 2022,
Production Chemistry, Metallurgy and Biology,
Pipelines, Flowlines and Risers,
Offshore Facilities and Subsea Systems,
Materials and corrosion,
Floating production systems,
Well Integrity,
Subsurface corrosion (tubing, casing, completion equipment, conductor),
Corrosion inhibition and management (including H2S and CO2)
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Copyright 2022, International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC). Permission to Distribute - The Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers (SNAME).