This paper presents the development, qualification and field trial of a novel well flow valve that delivers unlimited zonal selectivity in single skin lower completion without the use of control lines. Control lines have limitations and risks due to complexity during deployment, restrictions on the number of zones, complications with liner hanger feed thru and associated wet connects. It is desirable to remove the control lines whilst maintaining the functionality of multi zone, variable choke flow control.

The well flow valve is a full-bore, reliable and robust mechanically operated sleeve, qualified in accordance with ISO14998 including multiple open/close cycles, at a sustained unloading pressure of 1,500 psi, with highly customizable flow ports.

The need for such a solution was identified by an operator in West Africa. The well objective was elevated from a gas producer to a well that required the flexibility to produce gas or oil with gas lift capability. The well flow valve was selected and required on site variable choke capability for both oil and gas production, with choke position verification, ability to handle dirty gas production without risk of plugging, compliant with a high rate and high pressure proppant frac along with ease of operation and long term reliability.

The field trial included a high pressure proppant frac in the oil zone. In the shallower gas zone, three well flow valves were used to deliver variable choking capability from maximum gas flow rate with minimal delta P adjusting down to a choke size suitable for gas lift. The well flow valves were operated using a high expansion shifting key conveyed on eline through the 3 ½" production tubing. The shifting key expanded in the 4 ½" lower completion to open/close individually all the well flow valves in a single trip. Incorporating this new product overcame the challenges presented and met the objective of commingled production of oil and gas. The well flow control valve demonstrated flexibility through design, supply chain, manufacturing, and operations. This paper will also outline the future road map covering further developments of the well flow valve and its incorporation into an enhanced flexible lower liner solution aimed at lowering well completion costs and risks.

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