Disturbance or destruction of the tundra has an adverse effect on its ability to provide protective insulation for the permafrost. A protective insulation for the permafrost. A method for repair is desired.
The tundra is a biological insulating mat, 2 to 4 inches thick, supported by a top soil layer 6 to 18 inches. The soil is made up of silt, sand and organic matter and supports Arctic flora growth. A tundra restoration experiments was initiated on disturbed tundra in May 1969 under the sponsor-ship of the petroleum companies currently operating in the Prudhoe Bay area of the Alaskan North Slope.
This report describes the introduction and establishment of certain winter hardy grasses to the PUT #5 abandoned drill and results obtained after a two year study.
Prior to seeding, a soil analysis was made which indicated severe nutrient deficiencies. This information provided a basis for a special fertilizer formation.
Seeds and fertilizer were applied in June 1969. Unfavorable weather and soil conditions delayed germination for a period of 14 to 18 days. For the same reason, seedling growth achieved only 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches by the end of August 1969.
Sampling studies in March 1970 showed that certain grass types on the fertilized plots could be predicted to survive the plots could be predicted to survive the severe winter. This was confirmed in June 1970.
The land mass above the Arctic Circle is well known for its permafrost and tundra. In winter, air temperatures can dip below -60 degrees F. and wind velocities can exceed 50 mph. In contrast, the Arctic summer tundra is a biological paradise.
Permafrost is permanently frozen earth material and tundra is the confining skin or vegetative insulating layer on top. The permafrost takes many forums, one of which is permafrost takes many forums, one of which is pure ice just below the surface as shown in pure ice just below the surface as shown in Fig. 1. An active layer between the permafrost and tundra cover freezes and thaws each year. The tundra mat on top controls the thickness of this active layer. this mat supports vegetation.