The deep horizons of the Anadarko Basin pose many problems in the drilling, completion pose many problems in the drilling, completion and production of wells. This paper deals with the problems and solutions for stimulation and production maintenance. production maintenance. The weaker, less efficient organic acids were commonly used to stimulate the Hunton zone because of corrosion problems at the bottom-hole temperatures. This problem has recently been overcome by using calculated cool down fluid volumes prior to injection of acid solutions into the well. New friction reducers have been developed to reduce friction pressures during treatment and this in turn allows higher injection rates and minimizes tubing exposure to acid solutions.
The fracturing treatments, in the Morrow zone, have also been limited because of elevated temperatures adversely affecting the treating fluids. The cool down approach has been used here also in order to realize greater fluid viscosities and to provide more efficient prop transport. A new fluid system has recently prop transport. A new fluid system has recently been used in the lower Morrow where rates were limited and adequate viscosity was essential.
The production of these wells has created problems because of corrosion and scale problems because of corrosion and scale build-up that severely restricts well capabilities. Many attempts have been made to adequately control corrosion. A recently completed well was squeezed with a corrosion and scale inhibitor. This paper also deals with the latest procedures that have been used to clean up procedures that have been used to clean up scale that has created wellbore restriction and loss of production.
The Hunton and Morrow intervals are productive throughout the Texas Panhandle and in productive throughout the Texas Panhandle and in Western Oklahoma, but the most recent and extensive activity has been in Hemphill County, Texas. The main areas of concern for this paper are the Buffalo Wallow and Washita Creek paper are the Buffalo Wallow and Washita Creek gas fields.