The Buffalo wallow (Hunton 19,600 ft.) field was discovered November 25, 1967, and during the ensuing period to the present, very significant technology in the areas of drilling, completion, producing, and pipelining has been developed. The problems encountered have been many but, as is the case in any new field development, application of the correct technology will evidence itself in the success achieve. Through diligent efforts to achieve cooperation between operator and purchaser, the task of completing, equipping, and commencement of sales from these wells was minimized. Subsequent operating problems have been more easily solved through this cooperative effort.
The Buffalo Wallow (Hunton 19,600 ft.) field was discovered on November 25, 1967, by the Union Oil Company of Calif. No. 1 Bradstreet in which Gulf has a 25 percent working interest. There are presently 12 completed wells in the field with development still in progress in the south portion of the field. The Buffalo Wallow (Morrow) field was discovered on June 10, 1969, by the Jake L. Hamon No. 1 Mack. Completions to date number 8 and there is still considerable infill drilling to be done as well as potentially extending the field boundaries. Fig. potentially extending the field boundaries. Fig. No. 1 depicts the field in its stage of development on September 15, 1970.
There are currently three purchasers in the field with sales to Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America commencing on February 6, 1969, to Kansas-Nebraska Gas Co. on November 14, 1969, and to Pioneer Natural Gas CO. on August 5, 1970. Cumulative volumes run from Buffalo Wallow through August, 1970, approximate 60,000 MMcf.
Kansas-Nebraska takes all of Gulf's working interest gas from the field as well as considerable volumes from others. Gulf has completed 6 Hunton wells and two Morrow wells to date and have, through the efforts of many people, achieved this very successfully. My people, achieved this very successfully. My portion of this paper will deal with the portion of this paper will deal with the experience gained in completion, equipment installation, and subsequent producing stages of this development.