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Proceedings Papers
European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference
April 16–17, 1996
Stavanger, Norway
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European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference
The Gypsy Outcrop Model for Testing Geostatistical Methods
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Building Geostatistical Models Constrained by Dynamic Data - A Posteriori Constraints
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Petrophysical Simulation Within an Object-Based Reservoir Model
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
3-D Seismic Texture Classification
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Use of Seismic to Improve Reservoir Characterisation
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Use of Inverted Seismic Data in Well Planning and in 3D Reservoir Modelling
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Geostatistical Reservoir Characterization Using Inverted Seismic Data: Application to a Chalk Reservoir, Dan Field, Denmark
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Application of Seismic Data and Sequence Stratigraphy for Constraining a Stochastic Model of Calcite Cementation
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Upscaling Of Permeability: Implementation Of A Conditional Approach To Improve The Performance In Flow Simulation
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Capillary Limit Effective Two-Phase Properties for 3D Media
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Ranking Geostatistical Models Using Tracer Production Data
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Effective Flow Parameters for 3D Reservoir Simulation
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Integrated Description of a Complex Low Net/Gross Sandstone Reservoir: Upper Subzones of the Endicott Field, N Slope of Alaska
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Interactive Well Modelling: Examples of Model Based Trajectory and Completion Design; Single and Multi-lateral Wells
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Connected Volume Calibration For Well-Path Ranking
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Modelling Injection Strategies for a Reservoir with an Extreme Permeability Contrast: IOR Qualification
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Techniques for Multibranch Well Trajectory Design in the Context of a Three-Dimensional Reservoir Model
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Well Simulation
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Direct Inversion for Porosity of Post Stack Seismic Data
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
3-D Analytical Solution to the Diffusivity Equation for Finite Sources With Application to Horizontal Wells
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
3D Seismic Calibration to Measure Upper Jurassic Sand Porosity, North Viking Graben
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Development and Testing of a New 3-D Field Scale Fully Implicit Multi-Phase Compositional Steam Injection Simulator
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Optimisation of Production Strategies using Stochastic Search Methods
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
The Dynamic 3-D Reservoir - Both Hydraulically and Geomechanically
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Well Placement Optimisation and Risking using 3-D Stochastic Reservoir Modelling Techniques
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Reservoir Description for Optimal Placement of Horizontal Wells
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
One More Step in Gocad Stratigraphic Grid Generation: Taking into Account Faults and Pinchouts
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Dunbar Reservoir Model, A Multidisciplinary Approach to Update Brent Reservoir Description and Modelling
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Applying Modern 3D Modeling Technology for a Large Gas-Condensate Field in the Pricaspian Basin
S. A. Dmitrievsky; D. N. Bolotnik; D. V. Posvansky; G. G. Sarkisov; N. E. Schepkina; P. A. Yufin; I. U. Zaitcev
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Prediction of Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure from a Pore Model
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Improved Technique for Off-Center Well Modelling in Multidimensional Reservoir Simulation
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Applied Uncertainty Analysis Using Stochastic Modelling
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Integration of Deviated and Horizontal Well Information into Geostatistical Velocity Simulations for Layer-Cake Depth Conversion
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Quantifying the Impact of Structural Uncertainties on Gross-Rock Volume Estimates
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
Risked Production Forecast for Horizontal Well Development at Albuskjell
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
A 3-D Geostatistical Model of a Turbidite Reservoir and Validation by Pressure Transient Analysis
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
An Integrated Approach to History Matching: A Case Study of the Brent Group in the Eastern Part of the Gullfaks Field
Paper presented at the European 3-D Reservoir Modelling Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 1996. doi:
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