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Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (06): 857–864.
Paper Number: SPE-12771-PA
Published: 01 December 1985
... be useful in controlling the erosion of the wellbore and gravel pack. 14 4 1984 4 2 1985 19 9 1984 1 12 1985 1 12 1985 Copyright 1985, Society of Petroleum Engineers chemical flooding methods calculation equilibrium alkaline solution concentration alkalinity...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (04): 543–553.
Paper Number: SPE-10515-PA
Published: 01 August 1985
... range among the secondary parameters. These variables have not been used previously in reservoir simulation. The definition of partial mass volumes for a multiphase system is According to Gibbs' phase rule, the number of degrees of freedom, F , of a system in thermodynamic equilibrium is given...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 24 (05): 545–554.
Paper Number: SPE-10291-PA
Published: 01 October 1984
... adsorption reservoir equilibrium chemical flooding methods chromatography pseudophase separation model surfactant cmc micelle inversion curve molecule One means of combatting the chromatographic problem is to reduce the local adsorption of the mixture components—that is, modify...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 24 (04): 467–472.
Paper Number: SPE-10854-PA
Published: 01 August 1984
... during unloading. 4 12 1981 6 6 1983 27 10 1983 1 8 1984 1 8 1984 Copyright 1984, Society of Petroleum Engineers helix drillstring design equilibrium loading casing design helical configuration variation casing and cementing buckled rod axial load...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
SPE J. 23 (06): 928–936.
Paper Number: SPE-10075-PA
Published: 01 December 1983
... klinkenberg permeability core holder mass flow flow coefficient penneability conventional method david louis freeman computer low permeability laboratory measurement exit end determination equilibrium petroleum engineer journal Substantial price incentives exist in the U.S. to make...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 23 (05): 781–790.
Paper Number: SPE-10198-PA
Published: 01 October 1983
... of the capillary number required to displace a particular residual oil globule from chemical equilibrium. It was found that under certain circumstances the capillary number required to mobilize the oil drop could be reduced greatly if the displacing phase contained more alcohol than it would in equilibrium...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 23 (05): 829–847.
Paper Number: SPE-10728-PA
Published: 01 October 1983
... of one phase to disperse into the other. In addition, interactions between these drops are taken into account for the microemulsion equilibrium. The theory also offers a possibility of being able to describe the hydrophile/lipophile-balanced state (optimal salinity state of Healy and Reed 1 ) in terms...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 22 (06): 945–961.
Paper Number: SPE-10062-PA
Published: 01 December 1982
.... That the IFT behind capillary forces correlates with the pattern of phase behavior as a "field" variable—i.e., a variable that is equal among phases in equilibrium, or one that is nearly so, like salinity, is varied—has been recognized for some time. 2 The recently developed mean field theory...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 22 (02): 181–192.
Paper Number: SPE-9279-PA
Published: 01 April 1982
... composition surfactant fraction surfactant bank equilibrium cation concentration micelle composition path sodium enhanced recovery ion exchange meq ml isotherm calculation experiment equation coefficient chemical flooding methods petroleum engineer journal calcium concentration...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 22 (01): 61–68.
Paper Number: SPE-9232-PA
Published: 01 February 1982
... by such processes as hydrocarbon gas injection, nitrogen injection, and CO 2 floods. The equilibrium state is characterized by a minimum in the Gibbs free energy. In a closed system of π phases and m components, the Gibbs free energy, given by 22 7 1980 2 12 1981 4 6 1981 1 2 1982...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 21 (01): 63–76.
Paper Number: SPE-6727-PA
Published: 01 February 1981
...Paul D. Fleming, III; Charles P. Thomas; William K. Winter A general multiphase, multicomponent chemical flood model has been formulated. The set of mass conservation laws for each component in an isothermal system is closed by assuming local thermodynamic (phase) equilibrium, Darcy's law...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 19 (02): 71–82.
Paper Number: SPE-7055-PA
Published: 01 April 1979
... or other cosurfactant. In this regime it is not clear whether ultralow tensions are equilibrium or nonequilibrium properties. Even with compositions capable of producing ultralow tensions, the measured tensions depend on the way the system is prepared, and time effects are seen. Nevertheless, reproducible...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 18 (05): 355–368.
Paper Number: SPE-6890-PA
Published: 01 October 1978
... and a mole balance on the vapor-liquid hydrocarbon phases. Additional equations include the capillary phases. Additional equations include the capillary pressure, phase equilibrium, and saturation pressure, phase equilibrium, and saturation relations. Flow equations, in finite-difference form, are combined...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 17 (05): 353–357.
Paper Number: SPE-5819-PA
Published: 01 October 1977
.... The value of the adsorption maximum and the concentration at which it occurs are also dependent on the flow rate. The time required for adsorption equilibrium was found to increase with increasing sulfonate concentration. A sacrificial chemical reduced the sulfonate adsorption. However, sulfonate adsorption...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 17 (05): 377–386.
Paper Number: SPE-6329-PA
Published: 01 October 1977
...J.E. Smith When a clay or shale with fixed cation exchange capacity is saturated with salt water and the solid matrix is slowly squeezed, so that equilibrium is maintained between the remaining pore water and successive increments of squeezed-out water, these successive increments will contain salt...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 16 (04): 189–195.
Paper Number: SPE-5647-PA
Published: 01 August 1976
... have attempted to measure the constant of the equilibrium shown in Eq. 3 for the acetate anion, but no thermodynamic data for the other anions studied here have been reported. SPEJ P. 189 1 8 1976 1 8 1976 1976. Society of Petroleum Engineers Modeling & Simulation oil phase...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 15 (01): 7–12.
Paper Number: SPE-4957-PA
Published: 01 February 1975
...Byron B. Woertz Vapor-liquid equilibrium values (K-values) for nitrogen, CO2, H2S and the paraffin hydrocarbons, methane through n-octane, in methyl cyanoacetate (MCA) were published in 1972. K-values for the hydrocarbons through C4 were based on vapor-liquid equilibrium data obtained using...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 14 (05): 491–501.
Paper Number: SPE-4583-PA
Published: 01 October 1974
.... In this connection, Winsor's concept of intermicellar equilibrium was found consistent with microemulsion systems of interest for tertiary oil recovery. Experimental techniques are described for minimizing the extent of the multiphase region and measuring the low interfacial tensions that obtain there. Introduction...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 14 (03): 243–252.
Paper Number: SPE-3038-PA
Published: 01 June 1974
... and the filter disc to provide good capillary contact. The water reservoir above the filter disc is partially filled. 1 6 1974 1 6 1974 1 6 1974 1 6 1974 Upstream Oil & Gas water saturation well logging equilibrium experiment water phase flow in porous media drainage...

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