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Keywords: injection gas
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Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (06): 927–934.
Paper Number: SPE-12893-PA
Published: 01 December 1985
... MMP as a function of reservoir temperature, C 7+ molecular weight of the oil, mole percent methane in the injection gas, and the molecular weight of the intermediates (C 2 through C 6 ) in the gas. CO 2 and N 2 are represented in the current correlation by "equivalent" methane/propane- and methane...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 24 (02): 169–179.
Paper Number: SPE-10069-PA
Published: 01 April 1984
... measurement injection gas reservoir surveillance characteristic velocity reservoir simulation petroleum engineer journal flow rate production monitoring dimensionless time Gas injection is increasingly being applied as a secondary or tertiary recovery technique. In many applications injection...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 23 (04): 587–594.
Paper Number: SPE-10272-PA
Published: 01 August 1983
..., Society of Petroleum Engineers pvt measurement composition upstream oil & gas mmp gas 2 bubble-point pressure injection gas phase behavior kpa correlation co 2 psia experiment reservoir pressure miscibility pressure oil system gas 1 reservoir oil nitrogen contaminant viscosity...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 14 (05): 471–481.
Paper Number: SPE-4272-PA
Published: 01 October 1974
... as light ends are removed by continued contact with dry gas. A simple linear compositional model is used to compute the changing fluid properties in each cell as injection gas mixes with in-place fluid during a series of constant pressure displacements. The simple-model data are correlated against...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 8 (01): 87–94.
Paper Number: SPE-1813-PA
Published: 01 March 1968
...Lowell R. Smith; Lyman Yarborough This paper presents results of a laboratory study of retrograde condensate recovery by revaporization into dry injection gas. Flow tests were performed in 10.6-ft long sandpacks at 100F and 1,500 psi. In three runs methane revaporized the liquid from a n-heptane...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 5 (03): 239–246.
Paper Number: SPE-1019-PA
Published: 01 September 1965
... equilibrium constants as a function of liquid composition and using the K's to calculate changes in composition of injection gas as it successively contacts original reservoir oil at the gas-oil front and the change in composition of reservoir oil as it is successively contacted by the injection gas...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 2 (04): 340–346.
Paper Number: SPE-449-PA
Published: 01 December 1962
.... The results indicate that, at constant pressure, miscibility is a function only of the pseudo critical temperature of the injection gas. This fact, together with improved experimental methods, makes the displacement technique a rapid, reliable means for determining miscibility conditions. In conjunction...

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