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Keywords: irreducible water saturation
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Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (06): 945–953.
Paper Number: SPE-12116-PA
Published: 01 December 1985
... relationships. We concluded that previous results may have been affected by viscous instabilities, capillary end effects, and/or difficulties in maintaining material balances. irreducible water saturation room temperature experiment water saturation poston end effect temperature effect enhanced...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 23 (06): 928–936.
Paper Number: SPE-10075-PA
Published: 01 December 1983
... permeabilities on samples containing nearly irreducible water saturations and the water permeabilities presented are closer to the Klinkenberg permeability values in low-permeability samples than most previously reported. 18 7 1981 7 6 1983 22 10 1982 1 12 1983 1 12 1983 Copyright...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 15 (05): 376–384.
Paper Number: SPE-4142-PA
Published: 01 October 1975
.... The fluids used were distilled water and a white mineral oil. The effect of temperature on absolute permeability was investigated for six Boise sandstone samples and two Berea sandstone samples. Results for all samples were similar. The irreducible water saturation increased significantly, while the residual...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 11 (04): 351–355.
Paper Number: SPE-3153-PA
Published: 01 December 1971
... of hydrocarbons and various steam-slug sizes, with the core initially containing a residual oil or irreducible water saturation. It was found that the steam-slug displacement is more efficient in the case of light oils than for the heavier ones. The injection of cold water following steam resulted in almost total...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 11 (01): 13–22.
Paper Number: SPE-2517-PA
Published: 01 March 1971
...Ali A. Sinnokrot; H.J. Ramey, Jr.; S.S. Marsden, Jr. A number of recent studies of drainage relative permeability ratio by dynamic displacement have permeability ratio by dynamic displacement have indicated temperature sensitivity. Poston et al. found that the irreducible water saturation appeared...
Journal Articles

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