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Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (06): 927–934.
Paper Number: SPE-12893-PA
Published: 01 December 1985
...Ø. Glasø This paper presents a generalized correlation for predicting the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) required for multicontact miscible displacement of reservoir fluids by hydrocarbon, CO2, or N 2 gas. The equations are derived from graphical correlations given by Benham et al. 1 and give...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (02): 268–274.
Paper Number: SPE-11959-PA
Published: 01 April 1985
...R. B. Alston; G. P. Kokolis; C. F. James This paper presents an empirically derived correlation for estimating the minimum pressure required for multicontact miscible (MCM) displacement of live oil systems by pure or impure CO 2 streams. Minimum miseibility pressure (MMP) has been correlated...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 23 (04): 587–594.
Paper Number: SPE-10272-PA
Published: 01 August 1983
... field in Utah. The data were obtained from phase behavior and slim tube experiments. The results of this work indicate that high pressures are required for a miscible displacement of the highly paraf-finic, high-pour-point Red Wash oil. The minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) was found to be 4,650 psia...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 22 (02): 219–225.
Paper Number: SPE-9230-PA
Published: 01 April 1982
... increases the minimum enrichment required, while a heavier hydrocarbon component actually can reduce anticipated enrichment levels. Figure 4 Effect of temperature on acid gas MMP. Comparing data on Fig. 4 shows that the MMP vs. mole percent hydrogen sulfide curves are approximately parallel...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 22 (01): 87–98.
Paper Number: SPE-8814-PA
Published: 01 February 1982
...LeRoy W. Holm; Virgil A. Josendal This paper presents additional data related to the correlation between minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) for CO 2 flooding and to the composition of the crude oil to be displaced. Yellig and Metcalfe have stated that there is little or no effect of oil composition...

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