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Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (06): 848–856.
Paper Number: SPE-8073-PA
Published: 01 December 1985
...J. Geertsma Elementary borehole- and perforation-stability problems in friable clastic formations for unrestricted fluid flow between reservoir rock and underground opening are treated on the basis of linear poroelastic theory. Thermal stress effects caused by a temperature difference between...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (05): 637–646.
Paper Number: SPE-11123-PA
Published: 01 October 1985
...Phillip D. Pattillo; Michael B. Smith This paper summarizes an analysis of formation/casing deformations in a chalk reservoir. The study is linked to the development of a poroelastic-plastic model of ductile rocks. Applications of the model include an analysis of chalk production into perforated...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (03): 407–418.
Paper Number: SPE-11965-PA
Published: 01 June 1985
... interference test drillstem testing test data permeability rate pulse analytical model interference vertical permeability tight zone perforation test analysis type-curve match numerical model upstream oil & gas fluid dynamics equation flow in porous media petroleum engineer journal...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 22 (06): 883–898.
Paper Number: SPE-9650-PA
Published: 01 December 1982
... rate integration constant equation perforation reservoir geomechanics reservoir characterization poisson coulomb criterion fluid dynamics completion installation and operations petroleum engineer journal principal stress displacement As a model, we considered a vertical...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 22 (06): 857–865.
Paper Number: SPE-7006-PA
Published: 01 December 1982
...C. Gruesbeck; R. E. Collins This paper describes a new procedure for determining particle-transport efficiency through perforations. Transport efficiency is the mass fraction of particles that are transported through the perforations relative to the total mass of particles injected. Our conclusions...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 14 (01): 75–90.
Paper Number: SPE-4055-PA
Published: 01 February 1974
... that the reservoir zonation be represented. Transient pressure techniques for estimating in-situ vertical permeability have been introduced by Burns and by Prats. Both techniques require injection or production at a constant rate from a short perforated interval and measurement of the pressure response at another...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 12 (04): 315–320.
Paper Number: SPE-3648-PA
Published: 01 August 1972
... characteristic transformation flow rate characteristic equation gas compressibility factor diameter standard temperature sine function flow property elapsed time pipeline transient gas pipe flow compressibility effect mcgraw-hill book co gas pipe flow calculation perforation investigation...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 8 (01): 43–51.
Paper Number: SPE-1797-PA
Published: 01 March 1968
... and perforations. Introduction In some wells only a fraction of the productive interval is open to flow. Location of this fraction is usually dictated by formation characteristics and reservoir behavior. For instance, if a gas cap exists, the open interval is located away from the gas-oil contact to prevent any...

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