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Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (06): 893–901.
Paper Number: SPE-12253-PA
Published: 01 December 1985
... terms are zero if the transformation satisfies a system of differential equations that depend on the geometry and rock property distribution within the reservoir. Numerical examples with a black-oil simulator are presented to show the increased accuracy resulting from the use of the curvilinear...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (06): 839–847.
Paper Number: SPE-12520-PA
Published: 01 December 1985
... ) ] 1422. q μ Z T , reservoir planar source linear flow system pressure transient analysis drawdown linear flow flow behavior drawdown example geothermal steam well elongated linear flow system image well equation gas well drillstem/well testing graph petroleum engineer...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (05): 729–742.
Paper Number: SPE-11599-PA
Published: 01 October 1985
...Curtis O. Bennett; Rodolfo G. Camacho-V.; A. C. Reynolds; Rajagopal Raghavan New analytical solutions for the response at a well intercepting a layered reservoir are derived. The well is assumed to produce at a constant rate or a constant pressure. We examine reservoir systems without in-terlayer...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (05): 623–628.
Paper Number: SPE-11794-PA
Published: 01 October 1985
...C. C. LaGrone; S. A. Baumgartner; R. A. Woodroof, Jr. Reservoirs with bottomhole temperatures (BHT's) in excess of 250°F [121 °C] and permeabilities of less than 1.0 md are commonly encountered in drilling and completing geothermal and deep gas wells. Successful stimulation of these wells often...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (04): 491–501.
Paper Number: SPE-11625-PA
Published: 01 August 1985
... property equation simulation shear rate drilling fluid formulation drilling fluid chemistry filtration filtrate hydraulic fracturing viscosity calculation artificial intelligence fluid loss upstream oil & gas leakoff coefficient reservoir coefficient fracture fluid assumption fluid...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (04): 554–564.
Paper Number: SPE-12158-PA
Published: 01 August 1985
...J. G. J. Ypma A two-dimensional (2D) analytical model is presented for gas/oil gravity drainage in a homogeneous, dipping reservoir. The sensitivity of gas/oil gravity drainage to key variables such as injection rate, oil relative permeability, and permeability anisotropy can be determined quickly...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (03): 451–464.
Paper Number: SPE-11243-PA
Published: 01 June 1985
...Chih-Cheng Chen; Kelsen Serra; Albert C. Reynolds; Rajagopal Raghavan New methods for analyzing drawdown and buildup pressure data obtained at a well located in an infinite, naturally fractured reservoir were presented recently. In this work, the analysis of both drawdown and buildup data...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (03): 407–418.
Paper Number: SPE-11965-PA
Published: 01 June 1985
...R. E. Bremer; Hubert Winston; Saul Vela A mathematical model is developed that describes fluid flow and pressure behavior in a reservoir consisting of two permeable zones separated by a zone of low permeability, or a "tight zone." This model can be used to design and to interpret buildup, vertical...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (03): 380–396.
Paper Number: SPE-10262-PA
Published: 01 June 1985
...R. Prijambodo; R. Raghavan; A. C. Reynolds The pressure response of a well producing a two-layer reservoir with crossflow is examined. Virtually all studies on the response of a well in multilayered systems with crossflow claim that after a few hours of production these systems behave...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (02): 303–312.
Paper Number: SPE-11689-PA
Published: 01 April 1985
...Gudmundur S. Bodvarsson; Karsten Pruess; Michael J. O'Sullivan Numerical studies of the effects of injection on the behavior of production wells completed in fractured two-phase geothermal reservoirs are presented. In these studies the multiple-interacting-continua (MINC) method is employed...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (02): 281–290.
Paper Number: SPE-10902-PA
Published: 01 April 1985
...Abdurrahman Satman This paper discusses the interference test in composite reservoirs. The composite model considers all important parameters of interest: the hydraulic diffusivity, the mobility ratio, the distance to the radial discontinuity, the distance between wells, the wellbore storage...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (01): 113–120.
Paper Number: SPE-10088-PA
Published: 01 February 1985
... Copyright 1985, Society of Petroleum Engineers drainage shape drillstem testing hexagon well 1 summation pattern image well constant pressure drillstem/well testing producer reservoir injector upstream oil & gas well 2 relative well location rectangle actual well well location...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 25 (01): 78–88.
Paper Number: SPE-11332-PA
Published: 01 February 1985
...T. K. Perkins; J. A. Gonzalez When a cool fluid such as water is injected into a hot reservoir, a growing region of cooled rock is established around the injection well. The rock matrix within the cooled region contracts, and a thermoelastic stress field is induced around the well. For typical...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 24 (06): 628–638.
Paper Number: SPE-10839-PA
Published: 01 December 1984
...C. C. Chen; N. Yeh; R. Raghavan; A. C. Reynolds This work examines interference test data in a naturally fractured reservoir. The reservoir model examined here assumes that the reservoir can be represented by a system of horizontal fractures that are separated by the matrix. This model is identical...
Journal Articles
SPE J. 24 (06): 677–684.
Paper Number: SPE-11223-PA
Published: 01 December 1984
... and producing at a constant rate, q , from an off-center position within a circular reservoir of radius r e . We wish to determine the pressure change at an observation point a distance R from the well point. Almost absent in the literature, however, is a consideration of the pressure distributions...
Journal Articles
Journal Articles
SPE J. 24 (06): 593–596.
Paper Number: SPE-11678-PA
Published: 01 December 1984
... by CO 2 is still moot. In the first phase of this work the role of CO 2 was simulated by using fluids that were both liquid and completely miscible with the residual crude oil in scaled models of a linear reservoir. 1 The results were consistent with expectations based on the basic laws...

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