This paper presents the results obtained from the seismic stratigraphic analysis conducted on the Vaca Muerta Formation, of Tithonian - Berriasian age, in the Rincon de Aranda (RDA) and Veta Escondida (VE) fields, located in the northeastern sector of the transition between the central and marginal areas of the Neuquén Basin. The Vaca Muerta Formation is the main source rock in this basin, playing a significant role in the production of unconventional gas and oil. This study identifies and characterizes the interval corresponding to the Vaca Muerta Formation through seismic and well data analysis. The study involved creating sections, interpreting seismic horizons, and generating isochronous, isopach, seismic attribute, structural, and isopach maps, which provided a better understanding of the stratigraphic characteristics of the Vaca Muerta Formation within the specified reservoir. Various surfaces and internal intervals within the Vaca Muerta Formation were identified through well profile analysis and comparison with data from adjacent areas. Deep structural trends oriented NW-SE impact the Tordillo Formation and, to a lesser extent, the Vaca Muerta Formation. These trends reduce structural deformation in the upper sections, creating echelon faults oriented NNW-SSE and negative flower structures, as observed in Rincon de Aranda. An increase in thickness was observed towards the SW, related to the depocenter of the basin and the Entre Lomas structural high to the east of the area. Less deep O-E oriented lineaments are interpreted as related to Andean orogeny and have their greatest impact on the levels corresponding to the Quintuco Formation and upper sections such as the Loma Montosa Formation. The studied area displays a mixed platform depositional system with a total thickness of 570 meters from the Loma Montosa Formation to the base of the Vaca Muerta Formation, with 170 meters of this thickness specifically corresponding to the Vaca Muerta Formation. In the northern sector of Veta Escondida, area and intrusive igneous bodies were detected, affecting the seismic interpretation.