The following paper introduces a new wireline sensor designed to detect the entry and exit of the wireline in an oil and gas fracturing stack. This sensor alerts both on-site personnel and the user when a wireline is present in the stack. By doing so, it prevents the closure of the stack valves, avoiding the risk of cutting the cable from which the wireline hangs, which could otherwise result in significant operational costs.

This new sensor is based on a technology that is:

  • Passive: as it does not generate any signal or magnetic field that could affect the detonations carried by the wireline.

  • Non-invasive: because it is an external sensor, i.e. it is not inside the frac stack.

  • Compact: due to its small size, it can be mounted on almost any spool, such as a 5-1/8″15M × 5-1/8″15M spool, 600mm in length.

  • Easy to mount: as it is attached to the spool with standard API flanges, making it simple to install above the crown valve.

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