Slickwater fracturing has increased over the past decade with the advent of shale gas plays. Horizontal wells are now the standard with up to 1 million gallons of water in as many as 6 to 9 frac stages per well. The objective is to create as much contact with the reservoir as possible and many times a secondary goal is to prop open the created fractures. Additive packages have been minimized to save money. Due to environmental concerns and fresh water availability, the flowback and produced water is collected and used for subsequent fracture treatments. The purpose of this work is to examine water treatment techniques and critically evaluate the performance of additives that are employed in slickwater fracs of shale reservoirs and give guidelines for selecting additives that will optimize performance during pumping, fluid recovery and production. Comments will be made on the topic of proppant selection. Following the proppant, the major additive in most jobs will be the friction reducer which is required to reduce the friction pressure while pumping at the extreme rates of 50 to 120 barrels per minute (bpm). The second concern should be additives to treat bacteriological activity. The injection of water will ultimately result in the cultivation of sulfate reducing bacteria which produce Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and biproducts such as black iron sulfide on the surface if not treated properly. Scale inhibitors become vitally important as water dissolves salts from the formation. Shales have sub microDarcy matrix permeability with natural fractures and cleats providing avenues for gas desorption and flow to the wellbore. Shales can have as much as 50% clays. Are additives necessary to stabilize clays? Finally, the use of surfactants can be beneficial in promoting the flowback of injected fluids to restore the relative permeability to gas. Which surfactant types are the most beneficial?

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