Land transportation-related accidents continue to be the highest cause of fatalities within the oil and gas industry, as shown in the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (OGP) 2011 performance indicators. Despite widespread efforts, performance improvements have been slow to realize.
This presentation discusses the effectiveness of Instructor Led Defensive Driver Training (ILDDT) in reducing the number of Land Transport Fatalities whilst exploring the impact of supplementing current training methodologies with e-learning. The presentation will discuss the traditional and e-learning models covering, what is currently available, the pros and cons of both options and how the two methods can be used together to increase awareness and improve behavior. Currently OGP 365 Land Transport Safety Recommended Practices recommend initial theoretical training followed by refresher training based on risk exposure and drivers’ performance with a refresher at least every 3 years. This paper challenges the recommended frequency given the significance & implications of transport related incidents whilst providing affordable options to regularly provide supplementary training at frequent intervals. Additionally the presentation will highlight some perceived gaps in ILDDT and provide recommendation on how e-learning can potentially address those gaps in terms of its ability to continually and regularly keep driving relevant and ‘top of mind’, its flexibility in being able to deliver specific and individualized content, its alignment with best practices in adult learning and its ease of deployment. Finally the presentation will explain the role e-learning can potentially play in areas such as corporate liability & social responsibility as well as explaining its effectiveness as a stand alone application in other verticals and how this effectiveness can be translated to the Oil & Gas sector.