This communication describes how the company established a corporate steering committee and programs built on operations systems to effectively protect its large globally mobile international workforces from vector borne diseases, outbreaks, and other communicable diseases.


Infectious diseases have potential for serious health consequences, operation disruption, loss of productivity, and impact on a company’s license to operate and reputation. Mitigation of such threats in the oil and gas sector requires corporate commitment, intricate partnership between Operations, Security, Safety, Health and Environmental (SSHE) organizations with consistent use of effective mitigation measures built on company processes.


Global implementation of the Company malaria control program decreased reported cases from 230 in 2002 to less than 15 since 2005. Chemoprophylaxis compliance testing developed with corporate funds was instrumental in such success. Following the deployment of Infectious Disease Outbreak Management in 2010, average number of affected workers during outbreaks decreased from 23 in 2010 to 12, in 2012. The Steering Committee for Infectious Disease Control assembles Company executives, SSHE managers and Medical and Occupational Health (MOH) department representatives. The committee and attached unit periodically review program needs and performances while providing guidance and resources for program improvements. MOH and SSHE organizations work in partnership with Operations and providers for tool development and updates, program implementation, effectiveness reviews and reporting. The Company operations integrity management systems include also effectiveness reviews of infectious disease control program in operations sites.


The visible engagement of Company Executives in workplace infectious disease control programs is critical. Embedding disease control program procedures in company mechanisms, and building internal partnerships between Operations, providers, MOH and SSHE organizations are essential for the effective protection of oil and gas workers exposed to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases around the globe. It also prevents spread of outbreaks from the operation sites to surrounding communities.

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