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Keywords: petroleum geology
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Latin America Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, December 4–6, 2023
Paper Number: URTEC-2023-3969529-MS
... petroleum geology geological subdiscipline reduction shale hydrocarbon reservoir matrix permeability complex reservoir modeling & simulation economic geology permeability reduction impact porosity reduction clastic rock rock type reservoir characterization permeability porosity vaca...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Latin America Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, December 4–6, 2023
Paper Number: URTEC-2023-3971666-MS
... Paz and Mara oil fields in Venezuela and the Octogono oil field in Argentina. indonesia government sedimentary rock structural geology argentina government africa government asia government petroleum geology venezuela government europe government united kingdom government united...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Latin America Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, December 4–6, 2023
Paper Number: URTEC-2023-3963062-MS
... the reservoir matrix. geologist upstream oil & gas fluid dynamics asia government argentina government complex reservoir petroleum geology droplet permeability hydraulic fracturing distribution frequency experiment north america government economic geology viscosity fluctuation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Latin America Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, December 4–6, 2023
Paper Number: URTEC-2023-3971325-MS
..., allowing for the estimation of hydrocarbon reserves and thus value a formation, basin or well. structural geology geologist complex reservoir upstream oil & gas argentina government petroleum geology log analysis geochemical characterization unconventional resource technology conference...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Latin America Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, December 4–6, 2023
Paper Number: URTEC-2023-3950992-MS
... locations for Makhul Unconventional reservoir. argentina government asia government upstream oil & gas complex reservoir petroleum geology mudstone geochemical characterization kuwait government stratigraphy economic geology sedimentary rock clastic rock mudrock geochemistry...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Latin America Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, December 4–6, 2023
Paper Number: URTEC-2023-3969590-MS
... in porous media complex reservoir asset and portfolio management well logging petroleum play type geochemistry structural geology drilling operation petroleum geology artificial intelligence core analysis enhanced recovery geochemical characterization contribution economic geology log...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Latin America Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, December 4–6, 2023
Paper Number: URTEC-2023-3970358-MS
... loma campana shale gas geochemistry economic geology vaca muerta gor chenet urtec mccain petroleum geology reservoir characterization energy economics medellin pvt diagram alvis Latin America URTeC: 3970358 Using whole oil composition analysis to predict PVT diagram and production...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/AAPG/SEG Latin America Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, December 4–6, 2023
Paper Number: URTEC-2023-3953577-MS
... oil & gas sedimentary basin rock type reservoir characterization geochemistry canada government hydrocarbon migration migration pathway economic geology bulletin montney formation unconventional resource technology conference accumulation petroleum geology mudstone geochemical...

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